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Jumaat, 30 September 2011

the advantages and disadvantages of virtual reality application in education.

Virtual reality is a computer system time that allows real time interaction with 3D environment. Real time is a frame motions interact with time. At least 8 frames per second are require and to make it softly or smoothly, more frame are required.
Application in education is a computer system used to simplify the method of study during learning.
 In this case, some advantages and disadvantages will be focus. A lot of advantages can be gain by using this virtual reality application.
Basically, technologies make us simplified. So one of the advantages is get information easily. Nowadays, information is an important medium. An example is a virtual surgery that used in medical education. The students will know clearly about information about the condition and the modeling of the human body when they took MRI scanner for the patient. 
Secondly, is more safety and secure than took a real part of human body. It is mean, when the students to do some task or tried a simulation operation the will no harm any of human body. That is why using virtual reality is more safety and secure.  
However, using this virtual reality also has some disadvantages to the user. One of them is the user will have limited space during learning. User only can see the environment of the virtual reality has been created by a computer system. Maybe, there will have some lack of the virtual environment that has been created by a system that cannot be seen by a user. It is hand-made, and not smoothly like a real live you can see it.
The other one is virtual reality will not give you a real sense during the running of the process. It is only can give you a haptic or vibrate sense that will make you feel sense of the virtual reality system. An example of medical education using virtual reality is virtual surgery. During this process running, you cannot feel a soft skin and the accurate temperature body of the patient. Sense of virtual reality only can feel the hard shape of the object and limited condition only.  

Some sample link to virtual reality application in education video :

Sample of input, process and output of the system from efficiet and effective side

6. Specify in a table the inputs, processes, and outputs of the following systems. Determine what is required for each of these system to be efficient and effective:

a. Post office -  input (letter)àprocess(transaction)àoutput(recipient)

Effectiveness – Form to recheck the correct recipient

Efficiency – Mobile Map to ensure the deliver reach the address recipient punctually

b. Grocery store - input (stock)àprocess(business)àoutput(goods)

Effectiveness – Checklist to confirm the stock

Efficiency – Account Book to make systematic finances

c. Farm - input (fertilizer)àprocess(planting)àoutput(vegetable)

Effectiveness – Scale for each quantity of fertilizer used

Efficiency – References of each planting to reminder the planter

Isnin, 19 September 2011

Warkah terakhir....


w'salam, wahai sahabatku naim. aku sebenarnya dah lama memikirkan tentang perkara ini. bulan 5 lalu aku ada emailkan tentang surat perletakan jawatan tersebut, namun tiada sebarang jawapan yang aku terima. Aku terpaksa mengundurkan diri daripada bergiat aktif dalam aktiviti, maaf dipinta dan aku berterima kasih kepada semua sahabat-sahabatku atas perkongsian ilmu dan pengalaman selama menjadi sebahagian daripada ahli Karisma ini. Aku baru sahaja menjalani pembedahan ACL bulan lalu. Maaf tak memaklumkan kerana tidak mahu menyusahkan sesiapa. Walaubagaimanapun, alhamdulillah keadaan dah semakin baik. Sebenarnya, aku sudah membuat keputusan untuk aku menumpukan lebih perhatian kepada akademik setelah perubahan yang ketara kepada keputusan akademik selama setahun ini, mungkin silap itu juga datang daripada diri yang serba naif ini. Kesediaan diri ini untuk memimpin barisan ahli karisma masih belum berupaya untuk memikul amanah yang berat ini. Kalam Allah yang sentiasa mengingatkan diri ini "setiap apa yang kamu pimpinkan akan dipertanggungjawabkan di akhirat kelak" membuatkan berasa bersalahnya diri ini selama ini. Terlalu cetek ilmunya hamba ini dengan nak dibandingkan ilmu Allah yang serba Maha luas hingga ke penghujung alam ini. Masih banyak yang aku perlu pelajari dan menimba ilmu Allah di muka bumi ini. Selain itu, buat pengetahuan sahabatku naim, aku adalah orang kampung yang datang daripada jauhnya negeri di utara semenanjung Malaysia, aku bukanlah daripada kalangan keluarga yang berada menyedarkan keupayaanku tentang perbelanjaaan di Universiti Malaya. Memikirkan tentang 5 tahun akan datang, tentang pinjaman pelajaran ini, mendesak diri ini untuk melakukan kerja sampingan untuk simpanan kelak nanti. Aku terpaksa membahagikan masa ini dengan menimba ilmu dan pekerjaan sampingan. Ini realiti yang perlu aku hadapi untuk aku teruskan kehidupan di Institut pengajian di tengah ibu kota raya Kuala Lumpur. Aku harap kau dapat memahami keadaanku ini. Wahai sahabatku naim, aku harap kau dapat menerima keputusanku ini dengan hati yang terbuka, insyallah mungkin ada yang lebih layak lagi dapat menggantikannya. Aku sendiri akan memaklumkan kepada Abang Aji tentang keputusanku ini. Segala pembiyaan kepada Karisma Universiti Malaya yang dipegang ini akan aku serahkan semula kepadanya sementara menunggu pimpinan baru Karisma Universiti Malaya. Keputusan ini adalah keputusan daripada luahan hati aku sendiri wahai sahabatku naim. Aku sentiasa mendoakan yang terbaik buat Karisma agar sentiasa diberi petunjuk Ilahi untuk meneruskan perjuangan kepada jalan yang benar ini. Amin. Aku mohon maaf kepada barisan pimpinan yang lain. tolong sampaikan salamku kepada mereka sekalian.

sahabatmu dunia dan akhirat
-dhiyauddin b abd aziz

The Internet, WWW, Web Application


IES 090005


The Internet, WWW, Web Application

Development ( principles & requirements )

Lecturer : Dr. Hamid Abdullah

Date : 15 September 2011



3.World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)                                                                               

5. World Wide Web                                                                                                             
6.Personal, Distributed and Client/Server Computing                                                        
7.The Key Software Trend                                                                                                 
8.Why has the internet grown so fast?                                                                              

9.A simple view of client and server side requirement in Web Application Development


1. Introduction

ARPANET is a foundation of internet where ARPANET stands for (Advance Research history the flowing of user for internet is started from military defense then extend to university students and the lastly internet started used by government commercial.

2. History

Internet exists because of communication where it is fast communication between researchers via electronic-mail (e-mail). One of many goals ARPA is allowed multiple users to send and receive info at same time. Besides that, transmission control protocol (TCP) is important to ensure that all data that have been transmission arrived safely and internet protocol (IP) is well-known to be an address for each location like a letter address. Nowadays, we have combined set of protocol called TCP/IP. Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) is invented by Tim Berners-Lee. HTML is used as communication protocol to send information over the web.

3. World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Basically, the function of W3C is a system of interlinked hypertext documents access via the internet. Their goal is to make internet universally accessible and standardization the necessary in an internet technology. Actually, the beginning of the W3C is Web 1.0 where this Web 1.0 only recommended about electronic-mail (e-mail) and focused on a small number of companies. After that, it is continued to Web 2.0 who invented Dale Dougherty of O’Reilly and this Web 2.0 started to focus about collaborative community and conversation. Some of examples Web 2.0 are Facebook, MySpace, Tagged, and etc.

4. Internet

It is worldwide, publicly accessible network of interconnected computer network that transmit data by packet switching using the standard Internet Protocol (IP). It is “network of network” that consists of billions of smaller domestic, academic, business and government networks.

5. World Wide Web (WWW)

The World Wide Web (or the “Web”) is a system of interlinked, hypertext documents that run over the internet. There some essential element should have in a Web browser like text, image and other multimedia and navigates between them using hyperlinks.

6. Personal, Distributed and Client/Server Computing

Personal Computing is developed by Apple Computer on 1977 and have been used for personal and business part. Machines could also be connected each other using computer network such as Local Area Network (LAN). The other thing is Client/Server Computing where many servers offer data storage and other capabilities that may be used by client through network. An example of client/server computing is Windows 7.

7. The Key Software Trend

Objects are one of the key software trends because a reusable software component that model items in the real world (classes). It will encourage many developers to make more productive in making software. Furthermore, object-oriented programs often easier to understand correct and modify than older types of programs.

8. Why has the internet grown so fast?

There are many reason of this question but we will focus into 3 points that related. Firstly, it is because information. Secondly, it is easy to use and have some interface where we were only can point and click instead of remembering text commands. The last one is E-Commerce.

9. A simple view of client and server side requirement in Web Application Development

For client side, there are three important key points which are Markup, Interaction and Presentation. In addition, two more recommendation for client side is no control and speed of feedback from their request. However, for server side we can simplify the requirement as FAQ. It has HTTP request from user and the server side will give answer back to user. An example likes Google Browser server. Besides that, the server will control the flowing of running system.

10. Conclusion
This topic is one of kind introducing knowledge about web application development. The great advantage of using internet is a lot of information can be gain easily in a short time