rasa dah lama tak menulis dalam bahasa yang mudah dan sentiasa guna bila bersembang-sembang. kali ini aku rasa macam nak tulis dalam bahasa yang mudah. buat pembaca dan yang sentiasa mengikuti blogku ini, hayati tulisanku yg mudah ini.
aku cuma nak cerita apa yang berlaku pada hari ini. pagi ini aku rasa sungguh seronok sebab nak sambut kedatangan ibu dan kakakku yang akan datang ke kl. rindu bila lama tak bersua. betul tak?
mesti para pembaca setuju punya. bagi yang dah tiada ibu dan ayah, saya minta maaf. al-fatihah disedekahkan. semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat dan ditempat dalam kalangan para solehin.
sambung semula cerita tadi, pukul 2 ptg tepat aku bergegas terus ke kl sentral dgn kereta yg dipinjam dari temanku. bila nampak ja muka mak dan kakak aku, aku rasa sangat gembira, hanya tuhan yang mengetahui. itulah nikmat dunia yg allah kurnikan kepada kita insan yg lemah ini.
lepas tu, aku bawa mak dan kakak aku ambik adik aku, dan kita org p kedai makan ikan bakar yg sedap di Setiawangsa. siapa tak kenal kalau 'skinchan ikan bakar'. memang aku bagi rating tinggi la p kedai ikan bakar ni. sedap dan berpatutan la harganya. jadi aku syorkan para pembaca supaya try la makan kat kedai ni. memang tak rugi.
walaupun seketika, tapi memang menghargai dan bermakna bagi hidup diperantauan. teringat pula lagu pramlee tajuk tentang dendang perantau. apa kan daya... masa tak akan kembali... hancur musnahnya......semuanya....~~
esok pulak abg gua konvo. aku nak p rasa la sikit macam mana rasa org yg dah konvo ni..mesti bestkan.. biasa la org dah diiktiraf...aku ni pula p menyibuk...takpala bukan selalu...
ok la aku nak cau, nak p ambik adik aku, dan nak ke kajang pula... harap para pembaca dapat doakan keselamatan saya utk perjalanan malm dan esok nanti..
ini yg kata, perjalanan baru bermula... esok masih ada....
Jumaat, 29 Oktober 2010
Selasa, 26 Oktober 2010

السلا م عليكم
كالي إيني سياي راسا نك توليس دالم بنتوق توليسن جاوي
توليسن جاوي ثوداه ماكين دلوفاكن
دان جنراسي بارو ثوداه مولا تيداق ماهو تاهو
افا إتو توليسن جاوي
تمنكو سكاليان
ثجاوه مانا كيتا بروبه ماجو ك حادافن
اوساحله كيتا لوفاكن واريسن
د مانا بومي د فيجاق دسيتو لا عّيت د جونجوعّ
توليسان جاوي اداله توليسان واريسان
سفانجعّ زامن
عّ=nga *
فا=fa/pa *
كالي إيني سياي راسا نك توليس دالم بنتوق توليسن جاوي
توليسن جاوي ثوداه ماكين دلوفاكن
دان جنراسي بارو ثوداه مولا تيداق ماهو تاهو
افا إتو توليسن جاوي
تمنكو سكاليان
ثجاوه مانا كيتا بروبه ماجو ك حادافن
اوساحله كيتا لوفاكن واريسن
د مانا بومي د فيجاق دسيتو لا عّيت د جونجوعّ
توليسان جاوي اداله توليسان واريسان
سفانجعّ زامن
عّ=nga *
فا=fa/pa *
Jumaat, 15 Oktober 2010
If i'm the leader of people voice, What Is Your Imagination For The Future?
i am still try
to continue my words.
in english word.
why ?
it is globalization language.
i don't know
if my words
is okay for
the readers.
i hope
you can read
and understand.
it is easy
and beneficial.
i would like
to share
with you
about some
current issues
that i though
it is important
for tertiary level
to well known
about it.
First of all,
it is about
Do you know
how serious
was a case
it is a bribe case.
To let you
this morning
we attend
a talk,
where the
title is about
reality and perception"
what i have
we have
a freedom,integrity and authority
that manage
all about the cases
relate to the bribe case
we call "SPRM"
in malay, it is stand for
"Suruhanjaya Pencegah Rasuah Malaysia"
i hope this
authority group
will do their
to ensure
our country
is safe
from any
bribe cases.
It is because
a development country
should have
an integrity society
a background
of the citizens and
My question
Are you ready for that?
also as the lastly
i though
that leader from people
it is not
to survive it
as a leader
from people choice
should voice out
what is people
want it.
You also should understand
their hope
and what they
want it.
because you are
the leader from
people choose
it is reality
not fantasy
if i am a leader
what is your imagination for the future?
Could you share it
with me
Selasa, 5 Oktober 2010
FirSt enTriE in EngLish WoRds
First of all, i would like to apologize if I make a lot of mistake while writing in English. Just try to make this entry have other language. Sometime in Malay and sometime in English. I hope all readers can appreciate for what i have done.
Dear readers,
Thank you to for spends a few times to read my blog. It is satisfied for me to say anything that I though it is beneficial and useful to share with anyone. Maybe this verbs is familiar to you, "sharing is caring".
This month is the end of lectures month, which mean the last month we attend to the class for this semester. A lot of work to do and submit punctually in this month. Every semester is being like this. During the end of semester, student is busy to finish their assessment and final project.
Library started to be crowded with students, some of important book has been borrowed, oral presentation, and many things to be done.
However, activities in this University is still going very well. From association in Student Affair until college activities, there are still happening as usually as many years before. It is exist one question "How this student cope with academic and activities together without having any problems ?"
Back to the beginning, i would like to tell you again, the most important thing for tertiary level is, it is beneficial for you to have more than one language as communication language. Nowadays, we are going to globalization circumstance and we should survive it.
Just a few words, for me and you all to think about it. Thank you for reading.
Dear readers,
Thank you to for spends a few times to read my blog. It is satisfied for me to say anything that I though it is beneficial and useful to share with anyone. Maybe this verbs is familiar to you, "sharing is caring".
This month is the end of lectures month, which mean the last month we attend to the class for this semester. A lot of work to do and submit punctually in this month. Every semester is being like this. During the end of semester, student is busy to finish their assessment and final project.
Library started to be crowded with students, some of important book has been borrowed, oral presentation, and many things to be done.
However, activities in this University is still going very well. From association in Student Affair until college activities, there are still happening as usually as many years before. It is exist one question "How this student cope with academic and activities together without having any problems ?"
Back to the beginning, i would like to tell you again, the most important thing for tertiary level is, it is beneficial for you to have more than one language as communication language. Nowadays, we are going to globalization circumstance and we should survive it.
Just a few words, for me and you all to think about it. Thank you for reading.
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